We are aware that you care that how information about you is used and shared. We respect your trust that we will do so carefully and validly. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect and use your personal information through our website.

 Here are the list of personal information we collect:

  • Name
  • Date Of Birth
  • Parent’s Information
  • Father’s Occupation
  • Permanent / Current Address
  • Email
  • Contact Number (WhatsApp & Alternative)
  • Religion
  • Passport Size Photo

For What Purpose Do We Use Your Personal Information?

  • We use your personl information to provide information and develop the Service & Education we provide.
  • We use your personal information to communicate with you in order to give you information regarding you classes.

 Do We Share Your Personal Information With Third Party?

Information about you is an integral part of our school and we are not in the business of selling your personal information to other. We share your personal information only when you are being registered for Grade Exam (Trinity Examination).

 How safe Is Your Information?

  • We designed our system keeping your security and privacy in mind.
  • We work to protect the security of your personal data while transmission by applying encryption protocol.
  • We obey the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DASS) while managing payment card data.


  • Once the admission is done and payment is made, we do not follow the policy of refund.
  • Yet, there is no age barrier to learn music, we offer classes to every age group. But definitely a child must be atleast 5 years old or above.
  • We also offer students to change their course or instrument with another area of interest. For example, a student registered as a piano student can always take guitar, violin or any other class.
  • The Monthly Fee for every month should be paid by the 15th of every month.
  • It is compulsory to pay fee for 12 months.
  • Your class can be rescheduled, only if the classes were missed by the school.